Navaratri 2005 Special
by Dr. P. P. Narayanaswami

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Day 8  (sarasvati)

dhyAna shlOkam


karE virAjat kamanIya pustakA |

viri~ncipatnI kamalAsanasthitA

sarasvatI n.rtyatu vAci mE sadA ||


surAsurAsEvitapAdapa”nkajA --  with lotus like feet worshipped by both dEvas and asurAs

karE virAjat kamanIya pustakA – with beautiful book decorating her hand

viri~ncipatnI -- consort of brahma

kamalAsanasthitA – seated on the lotus

sarasvatI – goddess sarasvati

mE vAci  n.rtyatu – let (her) dance in my speech

sadA - always

Free Translation

Let Goddess sarasvati always dance in my speech,  the one who has lotus-like feet woshipped by both the dEvas and the asuras; who has beautiful book decorating her hands; who is the consort of Brahma, and who is seated on a lotus.


 sarasvatIM bhagavatIm

 rAgam: haMsavinOdini, tALam: mishra jhaMpa

 Composer: mahArAja shrI jayacAmarAja oDeyAr


 sarasvatIM bhagavatIM namAmyaham

sammOhinIM paramahaMsa vinOdinIm


 sarasIruhAsana priyayuvatIM shrImatIm

saraLasvabhAvasumatIM sannuta kIrtIm

sarasagAna lOla vAgIshvarIM sAMpradAyika

gAyakAnugrahakarIM shubhakarIm


 mUka vAkpradAna vikhyAtAM sucaritAm

shukashaunakAdi vanditAM karuNAnvitAm

pAkashAsanAdi surapUjitAM darahasitAm

shukapustaka vINAmaNi mAlAla”nk.rtAm

rAkEnduvadana virAjitAM shubhravastra

sushObhitAM  shrI vidyA tOSitAm


ahaM -- I

sarasvatIM bhagavatIM – Goddess sarasvati

namAmi --  prostrate

sammOhinIm –  the enchanting 

paramahaMsa vinOdinIm – playing with the sacred swan

sarasIruhAsana priyayuvatIm – consort of brahma, the one seated on the lotus

shrImatIm – noble lady

saraLa svabhAvasumatIm – possesing sweet voice and tender character

sannuta kIrtIm – who is praised by those who salute her

sarasagAna lOla vAgIshvarIm – goddess of speech, who enjoys beautiful music

sAMpradAyika gAyakAnugrahakarIm – who blesses those who sing according to tradition

shubhakarIm – one who gives auspiciousnes

mUka vAkpradAna vikhyAtAm – who is adept in granting the gift of speech to the dumb ones

sucaritAm – with good attitudes

shukashaunakAdi vanditAm – worshipped by shuka, shaunaka, and so forth

karuNAnvitAm  - full of  compassion

pAkashAsanAdi surapUjitAm – worshipped by Indra and others

darahasitAm – with slightly open (sweet) smile , gentle, slightly smiling

shukapustaka vINAmaNi mAlAla”nk.rtAm – decorated with parrot, book, vINa, and garlands

rAkEnduvadana virAjitAm – shining like a full moon

shubhravastra sushObhitAm – shining with pure white robes

shrI vidyA tOSitAm – pleased with “shrIvidyA (the doctrine of auspicious wisdom)

(shrIvidya is also the signature of the composer)

Free Translation

My prostrations to Goddess sarasvati,  the enchanting one playing with the sacred swan; who is the consort of Brahma seated on the lotus; who is noble and possesses a sweet voice and tender character; who is praised by devotees; who enjoys sweet music and speech; who is ever auspicious; who is adept in granting the gift of speech to the dumb; who has noble attitudes, and is worshipped by shuka, shaunaka, Indra, and so on; who is full of compassion, and has gentle smile; who carries a parrot, book, vINa, and garlands in the four hands; who shines like a full moon, and is clad with pure white robes; and who is pleased with the doctrine of auspiciouis wisdon (shrIvidya).

rAgam hamsavinOdini

HamsavinOdini is a SADava – SADava rAgam derived from mELam 29, dhIrsha”nkarAbharaNam.  The note pa is omitted.  It is a rare rAgam with very few compositions.

ArOhaNam:    s r g m d n s

avarOhaNam: s n d m g r s

The rAga mudra “hamsavinOdini” is incorporated in the line “paramahamsavinOdinIm”. A profile of this royal composer jayacAmarAja oDeyar can be viewed at:

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