Navaratri 2005 Special
by Dr. P. P. Narayanaswami

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<< Day 8

Day 9 (Sarasvati)

dhyAna shlOkam

dOrbhiryuktA caturbhiH sphaTikamaNimayIM

akSamAlAM dadhAnA

hastEnaikEna padmaM sitamapi ca shukaM

pustakaM cAparENa |

bhAsA kundEndusha”nkha sphaTikamaNinibhA


sA mE vAgdeVatEyaM nivasatu vadanE

sarvadA suprasannA ||


caturbhiH dOrbhiH yuktA– having  the four shoulders (four hands, technically)

sphaTikamaNimayIM – filled with crystal gems

akSamAlAm  -- sacred garland

dadhAnA – wearing

hastEna EkEna – one the one hand

padmam – a lotus

sitam api ca shukam – a white parrot

pustakam – book

ca – and

aparENa – on the other (hand)

bhAsA –  with the lustre

kundEndusha”nkha sphaTikamaNinibhA –  resembling  (lustrous like) the full moon,  conch, and crystal gems, 

bhasamAnA – shining

asamAnA - unparalleled

iyam sA –  this she

vAgdEvatA – goddess of speech

mE  -- my

vadanE  --  in the face

nivasatu – may (she) dwell

sarvadA – always

suprasannA – ever smiling

Free Translation

Let Goddess sarasvati, Goddess of speech always reside in my face --- She, who has four arms, who wears a sacred garland made of crystal gems, who carries a lotus, a white parrot, and book in her hands, who is brilliant  like the  full moon, conch, and crystal gem, and who is lustrous, and who is unparalleled. (Traditionally, the four hands (caturbhuja) of Goddess sarasvati are supposed to represent four aspects of the human personality, namely, learning, mind, intellect, and ego)



rAgam: nATa, tALam: Adi

Composer: puliyUr doraisvAmi Iyer


sarasIruhAsanapriyE amba

sadA vINA gAna priyE

sadAnanda h.rdayE mahi sadayE


sharaNAgatam  mAmava

ma~njuLa caraNa kisalayE

sammOdita kavijana h.rdayE

sarOja nilayE  maNi valayE


sarasIruhAkSiyugaLE (amba)

sharaNAgata dIna  vatsalE  (amba)

sharadindu sundara vadanE vimalE

sarasvati  sati dEshikanuta  guNa jAlE

satatam vidyA lOlE sadA sushIlE

sAmbuja kumbhasthana yugaLE

dhavaLE sakala sAmrAjya pradE

kara dh.rta pustakajAlE


sarasIruhAsanapriyE – beloved of brahma, the one seated on the lotus

amba – goddess amba

sadA vINA gAna priyE – always enjoying the music of the vINa

sadAnanda h.rdayE  – always having a blissful heart

mahi sadayE –  made the world as her abode (residing in the world)

sharaNAgatam  mAm ava – please protect me, who took refuge in you

ma~njuLa – pleasing, beautiful

caraNa – feet

kisalayE – tender sprout/shoot

sammOdita kavijana h.rdayE – with a heart pleased with the poets

sarOja nilayE – residing in the lotus

maNi valayE – decoratd with gems

sarasIruhAkSiyugalE – with two  eyes resembling the lotus

sharaNAgata dIna  vatsalE  -- who shows compassion to those who take shelter under you

sharadindu sundara vadanE – with face as beautiful as the autumn moon

vimalE – sweet, pure

sarasvati – sarasvati

sati  -- good, virtuous

dEshika – preceptor, teacher (could also mean subrahmaNya)

nuta  -- revered by

guNa jAlE – full of virtues (good qualities)

satatam vidyA lOlE  -- always enjoying knowledge (scholarship)

sadA sushIlE – always with good qualities

sAmbuja kumbhasthana yugaLE – with two breasts beautiful as the lotus

dhavaLE – pure white

sakala sAmrAjya pradE – bestower of everything in life

kara dh.rta pustakajAlE – carrying books on the hands

Free Translation

Oh Goddess sarasvati, amba, please protect me, who has taken refuge in You.

You are the beloved of brahma, the one seated on the lotus

You always enjoy the sweet music of the vINA

Your heart is always blissful

You have made this world your abode

You possess beautiful feet as tender as a sprout

Your heart is pleased with the contributions of the poets

You reside in the lotus

You are decorated with gems

You have two eyes resembling lotus flower

You are compassionate on devotees who take shelter under you

You have face as beautiful as the autumn moon

You are saluted by virtuous, and the preceptors

You are sweet, and you possess good qualities

You always enjoy knowledge

You always show good qualities

You have two breasts,  beautiful as full bloomed lotus

You are lustrous, white, you bestow everything on your devotees

You carry books in your hand.

A profile of the composer, PuliyUr doraisvAmi iyer is available at:

Yesterday: Day 8 - sarasvatIm bhagavatIm - hamsavinOdini - jayacAmarAja ODeyAr


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