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<< Read Part VIII

Part IX


 ma"ngaLa (vEda) rAgamAlkA

 composer: muttusvAmi dIkSitar

 tALam: rUpakam

 rAgam: saurASTram

 simhAsanasthitE sundara guruguha nuta lalitE

cidAnandanAthOham vandEham vandEham

 rAgam: vasanta

 brahmAdi sakala dEvatArAdhita padayugaLE

parashurAma parama bhAgavata pramukhOpAsita bagaLE

 rAgam: suraTi

 kamalEshanuta ma"ngalE kavijana nata ma"ngaLE

mantriNI daNDinI samUhAdi ma"ngaLE

 rAgam: madhyamAvati

 hayagrIva kumbhajAdi pUjita nitya ma"ngaLE

niratishaya shubha ma"ngaLE navanava vidha ma"ngaLE


Oh Goddess lalitA! the one seated on the lion throne  (siMhAsana), the dazzling one, the one worshiped by the handsome guruguha; I, who is cidAnandanAtha,  bow down to thee, bow down to thee, whose two feet are worshiped by brahma and various other celestials; who is Goddess bagaLA, worshiped by parashurAma, and other distinguished devotees. The auspicious one, saluted by the Lord of kamala (ViSNu), and extolled by the  poets, who grants auspiciousness to the host of devatas like mantriNI and daNDinI, who surround you. The eternally auspicious one, (nitya ma"ngaLA) , worshiped by hayagrIva, agastya (born out of a pot), and others;  the astoundingly auspicious one, who bestows ever newer and newer kinds of auspiciousness. (I bow down to Thee).


Featured rAgams:

saurASTram  (janyam of rAga"nga rAgam 15, mAyAmALavagauLa)


ArOhaNam:               S R1G3 M1 P M1 D2 N3 S

avarOhaNam:           S N3 D2  N#2 D2  P M1 G3  M1 G3 R1 S

vasanta  (janyam of rAgA"nga rAgam 15, mAyAmAlavagauLa)


ArOhaNam:               S  M1  G3 M1 D2 N3 S

avarOhaNam:           S N3 D2  M1 G3 R1 S 

suraTi  (janyam of rAgA"nga rAgam 28, harikEdAragauLa)

ArOhaNam:               S  R2 M1 P N2  D2 N2 S

avarOhaNam:            S N2 D2  P M1 G3 P M1 R2 S 

madhyamAvati  (janyam of rAgA"nga rAgam 22,  shrIrAgam)

ArOhaNam:               S  R2 M1  P N2 S

avarOhaNam:           S N2  P M1 R2 S

All these four rAgams are very auspicious, usually appearing as ma"ngaLa rAgams, in the concluding part of any concert.  The rAgamAlikA is appropriately called "ma"ngaLa rAgamAlikA". DikSitar often refers himself as "cidAnandanAtha", the name given to him by his spiritual guru, cidAnandanAtha yOgi, who took him to kAshi, and initiated him to the shrIvidya (auspicious wisdom).  In the popular "mAyAmALavagauLa" composition, "shrInAthAdi guruguhO jayati", he states  -- "cidAnadanAthOham". There is no rAgamudra featured in this composition. The guruguha mudra finds its place in the opening line itself. SubbarAma DikSitar has not given this song in his book, "SamgIta sampradAya pradarshini". 

The lyrics of this rAgamAlika in in sanskrit and diacritical English is available at:

NOTATIONS  for this rAgamAlikA: CLICK HERE

vandE mAtaramambikAM bhagavatIM vANIramA sEvitAM
kalyANIM kamanIyakalpalatikAM kailAsanAthapriyAm |
vEdantapratipAdyamAnavibhavAM vidvanmanOra~njanIM
shrIcakrA"nkitaratnapIThanilayAM shrirAjarAjEshwarIm ||



During the last seven navarAtri seasons, we featured the following thematic topics in  Carnatica’s Special Features section:

In addition, we also uploaded several stOtrams on dEvi  (saundaryalaharI, lalitA sahasranAmam, and so on), appropriate for chanting on this festive occasion.  They can all be accessed from  the “shlOka bank of Carnatica’s Composition Bank.


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