Navaratri 2005 Special
by Dr. P. P. Narayanaswami

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Day 2 (durga)

dhyAna shlOkam

 sakuMkuma vilEpanamaLikacumbi kastUrikam

samandahasitEkSaNAm sashara cApa pAshA”nkushAm |

ashESa janamOhinIm aruNamAlya bhuSAmbarAm

japAkusuma bhAsurAm japavidhau smarAmyambikAm ||

 (from tripurasundari aSTakam)


(ahaM): I

ambikAm : ambikA, the  Mother (dvitIya vibhakti)

japavidhau: in (during) Japa (meditation)

smarAmi: contemplate on (remember)

The remaining phrases qualify the noun: ambikAm:

sa kuMkuma vilEpanAm --  smeared with vermillion powder

alika chumbi kastUrikAm -- forelocks grazing the dot of musk

sa manda hasitEkSaNAm -- with looks soft and smiling

sa shara cApa pAshA”nkushAm -- bearing arrows, bow, snare and goad

asheSa jana mOhinIm -- deluding the entire people

aruNa mAlya bhUSAmbarAm -- wearing (decorating her body with) red garlands

japAkusuma bhAsurAm --  shining like the japA flower

Free Translation

During worship, Icontemplate on Goddess ambika, who is smeared with kuMkumam, with her forelocks grazing the dot of musk, who has glancess with a soft smile, who bears arrow, bow, snare, and goad, who deludes the people, who is clad in red ornaments, and who shines like the japA flower.

NOTE: This particular shlOkam is considered very sacred, and it is included in the "dhyANa shlokam" segment of both lalitA sahasranAmam, as well as lalitA trishati.

The text and meaning of the complete tripurasundari aSTakam is available at: order to view the shlOkams in sanskrit, you  need to download sanskrit99.ttf font from the same site.) 


himagiri tanayE hEmalatE 

  rAgam:  shuddhadhanyAsi.   tALam Adi

  Composer: harikEshanallUr muttayyA bhAgavatar


 himagiri tanayE hEmalatE

ambA Ishvari shrI lalitE mAmava


 ramA vANi samsEvita sakaLE

rAjarAjEshvari rAma sahOdari


 pAshA”nkushEkSu daNDakarE (amba)

parAtparE nija bhaktaparE

AshAmbhara harikEsha vilAsE

Ananda rUpE amita pratApE


himagiri – the mountain himavAn (Himalaya)

tanayE – daughter of

hEmalatE – golden creeper

amba –  amba

IshvarI  shrI lalitE --  auspicious lalita, the goddess

mAm  ava –  protect me

ramA  -- lakSmI

vAnI  -- sarasvati

samsEvita – worshipped

sakaLE = lustrous

rAjarajEshvari – Goddess shrI rAjarAjeshvari

rAma sahOdari – sister of rAma (viSNu)  

pAsha -- noose

a”nukusha -- hook

ikSu – sugarcane

daNDa – staff/stick

karE – on hands

parAtparE – the ultimate of the ultimates

nijabhakta parE – dear to her devotees

AshA – wishes/desires

ambhara --  fulfiller of  

harikEsha vilAsE – blessing the composer (harikEsha)

AnandarUpE – embodiment of supreme bliss

amitapratApE – with unlimited  glory/valour/radiance

Free Translation

Oh Goddess shrI lalitAa, ambA, the daugter of mountain himavAn, the golden creeper, please protect me.

Oh shrI rAjarAjEshvari!  you are worshipped by lakSmi and sarasvati; you are lustrous; you are the sister of lord viSNu;

You carry a noose, hook, and a stack of sugarcane in your hands; you are the ultimate,  you are dear to your true devotees, you are the fulfiller of all wishes of   harikEsha (the compose’s mudra), you are the embodiment of supreme bliss, and you possess unlimited glory.

rAgam shuddhadhanyAsi

ArOhaNam :              s g m p n s

avarOhaNam:           s n p m g s

An auDava – auDava janyam, placed under mElam 20 (naTabhairavi), or under mELam 22 (kharaharapriya). Since ri and dha are omitted, it could even  be placed under melam 28 (harikAmbhOji), but that it is not desirable.  The rAgam is also known as udayaravicandrika (there is endles debate on the subtle difference between the two!)

It is a sarva svara mUrcchana kAraka rAgam. The technique of modal shift of tonic (graha bhEdam) performed on the notes, g, m p, n, generate respectively the rAgams mOhanam, madhyamAvati, hindOLam, and shuddha sAvEri

Popular compositions are:

shrIrAja mAta”ngi (varnam, Muttayya BhAgavatar), entanErccina (tyAgarAja), subrahmaNyEna (muttusvAami dIkSitar), sAmOdam cintayAmi (svAti tirunAL), shrIhari vallabhE (Mysore vAsudEvacAriar). The composer’s mudra is “harikEsha”.

A profile is harikEshanallUr mutttayyA bhAgavatar is available at:

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