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Srichakra is the abode of Goddess Devi (Parasakti, Lalitambika, or Rajarajeswari as she is called). It consists of: | |
Bhapura (Kshithipura), the first Chakra, with three kinds of lines (rekha) or forts. The first is white in colour, the second red and the third yellow. The ten Siddhis beginning with 'Anima' reside in the ten directions of the first Rekha (or fort). The Ashtasaktis such as 'Brahmi' reside in the eight directions of the second fort. The Dasa (ten) Mudra Saktis beginning with 'Sarvasamkshobhini' reside in the ten directions of the third fort. These three forts together form the first Avarana Chakra called, the 'Trailokya Mohana Chakra'. The Saktis residing in this Chakra are called 'Prakata Yoginis'. | |
The second Chakra is in the form of a lotus with sixteen petals, representing the sixteen kalas. This Chakra is called the 'Sarvasa paripooraka Chakra'. The sixteen Saktis beginning with Kamakarshini reside in this Chakra and are known as 'Gupta Yoginis' | |
The third Chakra is in the form of a red lotus with eight petals and is called the 'Sarva Samkshobhana Chakra'. The eight Saktis beginning with 'Anangakusuma' reside in this Chakra and are called the 'Guptatara Yoginis'. | |
The fourth Chakra represents the fourteen worlds and has 'Manukonas'. The Chakra itself is called the 'Sarva Sowbhagyadayaka Chakra'. Fourteen Saktis starting from 'Sarva Samkshobhini' reside in this Chakra and are known as 'Sampradaya Yoginis'. |
The fifth Chakra represents the ten senses (Dasakaranas) and has ten triangles known as 'Bahirdasara'. The Chakra itself is called the 'Sarvarttha Sadhaka Chakra'. The ten Saktis beginning with 'Sarva Siddhi Prada' residing in this Chakra are called 'Kulotteerna Yoginis'. | |
The sixth Chakra is the personification of fire (Agni) and has ten triangles known as the 'Antardasara'. This Chakra is called the 'Sarva Rakshakara Chakra'. Ten Saktis starting from 'Sarvagnya' reside in this Chakra and are called the 'Nigarbha Yoginis'. | |
The seventh Chakra is in the form of 'Ashtamoortis' and has eight triangles known as 'Ashtaras'. This is known as the 'Sarva rogahara Chakra'. This Chakra is in the form of Kameswara (Kameswara Swaroopa) with the beautiful and lustrous glow of the gem called 'Padmaraga'. Eight Saktis starting with 'Vasini' reside in this Chakra and are know as the 'Rahasya Yoginis'. | |
The eighth Chakra has three Rekhas corresponding to the Satva, Rajasa, Tamasa Saktis. The Trikona (triangle) is the personification of 'Nada Prakriti'. The Chakra itself is called the 'Sarva Siddhi Prada Chakra'. The three Saktis including Kameswari residing in this Chakra, are called 'Atirahasiya Yoginis'. | |
The ninth and the last Chakra is the personification of Siva and Sakti together. This is called the 'Sarvanandamaya Chakra' and the Sakti which resides in this Chakra is called 'Parampara Rahasya Yogini' | |
Related links: Navavaranas & Navaratri kritis Navaratri kritis of Swati Tirunal |