Solutions to Mind-Benders

Shriranjani - Abhogi - Jayamanohari

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Here are the answers to Arunkumar's Mind-Bender puzzles on Shriranjani, Abhogi & Jayamanohari. Out of several responses, the winners are:

Arvind R. (Anna Nagar, Chennai)

Vinod Menon (Wheeling, Illinois)

Winners will be notified by individual e-mail. Thanks to everyone who participated!

1 Unduly adorned with silver, a musician performs this flashy classic. (9) yagnAdulu: This is obtained by descrambling the words unduly, AG (the chemistry symbol of silver) and a. This is a composition of tyAgarAjA in jayamanOhari.
2 Sunil gets lost in confusing Panama and missed hearing this song at the concert! (6-5) manasu nilpa This is obtained by descrambling (confusing) the word Panama and placing the word Sunil inside (gets lost in) it. This is a composition of tyAgarAjA in AbhOgi.
3 Abhogi look-alike under Chakravakam? You can see the resemblance if you look at it from the correct reference point (6) valaji: This raga can be obtained from AbhOgi by doing a grahabhEdam on the madhyamam. The clue hints that AbhOgi is similar to valaji if the shadjam (reference point) is changed appropriately (i.e. to the madhyamam).
4 The rhythm of the percussion was quite pleasurable during the rendition of that classic (8) sogasuga: In the pallavi of this composition, tyAgarAja praises the pleasurable rhythm of the mridangam.
5 Counterpart of Sriranjani under the first mela that every student learns (7) lalitha: The mela referred here is mAyAmALavagowLa, the very first raga (and hence the very first mela) that every student learns. Since sriranjani is its mela without the panchamam, the answer is the raga under mAyAmAlavagowLa without the panchamam. That raga is lalitha.
6 Hear cobra ever so stealthily entwines itself around a V-shaped branch and dance to this song! (14) brOchEvArevarE: This is a composition of tyAgarAja in Sriranjani. The answer can be obtained by descrambling the words Hear cobra ever and the letter V. This is hinted by the words stealthily entwine itself around.
7 The joke that he was married to the sabha was indeed a classic, we hear! (13) sabhApathikku: This is a composition of Gopalakrishna Bharathi in AbhOgi. A play on the meaning of word is done to imply that it refers to the husband (married to) to the sabha!
8 Weird dream! God of death breaking a jar from Hanoi and it sounding carnatic! (12) jayamanOhari: The answer can be obtained by descrambling (breaking) the words "yama" (God of death), jar and Hanoi


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