nIlOtpalAmbA gauLAnta-rAga k.rtis
of muttusvAmi dIkSitar

P. P. Narayanaswami

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DAY 2 (dvitIyA vibhakti k.rti) 

2.  nIlOtpalAmbAm

 rAgam: nArIrItigauLa (20)    tALam: mishra cApu


 nIlOtpalAmbAM bhaja rE rE citta

vIthiviTa"nkatyAgarAjAntara"ngAM shrI











sAmagana shiraHkampinIM



mukundasOdarIM purANIm


This k.rti is set in the dvitIyA vibhakti (accusative case)

anvayam (word order)  -  rE rE citta! nIlOtpalAmbAm bhaja.

All the adjectives in dvitIyA vibhakti, ending in “Am/Im” qualify nIlOtpalAmbAm

Word for word meaning

nIlotpalAmbAM – (nIlOtpalAmbA (used as object)

bhaja - worship

rE rE – oh oh (a vocative participle, often used in a contemptuous sense)

citta – mind

vIthiviTa"nkatyAgarAjAntara"ngAM – who is intimate (antara”ngam)  to the vIthiviTa”nga tyAgarAja (see explanation below)

shrI – auspicious

mUlakUTatrayakalebarashObhAruNAM – the one who has the meaning of the three mUlakUTas as her casual forms, and shines (shObha) with reddish hues (aruNAm)

mucukundAdinutapa"nkajacaraNAm  -  who has lotus feet (pa”nkaja caraNa) worshipped by  (nuta) mucukunda and others (see story of mucukunda below)

mUlavidyAdAnanipuNAM – who is adept in delivering the knowledge of the fundamental (mUla vidyA)

vidhipUjitavinOdakiraNAm – who is worshiped by lord Brahma (vidhi), and who possesses radiant rays

kamalAnagaranivAsinIM – who resides in kamalAnagaram (tiruvArUr)

guruguhamArgarItikauLinIm – who is kauLinI, who guides the path of guruguha

kamanIyakAmakalApradarshinIM – who displays the beautiful kAma kalA, a form of tantrik knowledge

kAdihAdyAdimanuvishvAsinIm – who likes kAdi hAdi mantra upAsanas of manu

sAmagAnashiraHkampinIM –  who nods her  head, in appreciation of the hearing of the songs of the sAma vEda

akhilamahAduritabha~njanIm – who removes all great sins (mahA durita)

kOmaLakucakacabharA"ngiNIM - who has soft and heavy breasts, and thick tresses

mukundasOdarIM – who is the sister of lord mukunda (viSNu)

purANIm – who is ancient, (who existed since time immemorial)

Free Translation

Oh mind, please  worship nIlOtpalAmbA,  who is the one dear to Lord tyAgarAja, the vItiviTa”nka, the one who has the meaning of  the three mUlakUTas (vAgbhavakUTa, kAmarAjakUTa, and shakti kUta) as her casual forms, who shines in reddish hues, whose lotus feet are worshipped by the devotee mucukunda and various others, who is capable of giving the supreme knowledge, and who is worshipped by Brahma. The one who dwells in kamalA nagaram (tiruvArUr), who is kauLini, who guides on the path of guruguha (subrahmaNya),  who displays the beautiful kAma kala, who likes the upAsana of manu by the “kAdi” and “hAdi” mantrams, who nods her head in appreciation of the sAma vEda chants, who is the remover of great sins, who has soft and heavy breasts, and thick tresses, who is the sister of viSNu, and who is the primordial one.  



The seven temples in the vicinity of tiruvArUr are considered sapta viTa”nka kSEtrams dedicated to Lord tyAgarAja (shiva). Each of these shrines manifest the sOmAskanda form of shiva, and is associated with a form of dance of shiva.  All these shrine have been glorified in the tEvAram hymns. The foremost among these is the vIthi viTa”nka tyAgarAja (street dancer) of tiruvArUr, and is associated with dance form, the ajapA nATanam.

These seven viTa”nka ksEtrams, and the dance associated with them are

vIthi viTa”nka                 ajapA naTanam                          tiruvArUr

nakha viTa”nka              unmatta naTanam                      tirunallARu

Sundara viTa”nka           paravararttara”nga natanam         nAgapaTTANam

Adi viTa”nka                  kukkuTa naTanam                      tirukkAravAyil

avani viTA”nka               bhramara naTanam                     tirukkuvalai

nIla viTa”nka                  kamala naTanam                        tiruvAymUr

bhuvana viTa”nka           hamsa pAda naTanam                 tirumaRaikkADu

Mucukunda was a king who possessed great valor.  In his previous birth, he was a monkey, roaming in jungles.  While it was hopping from tree to tree, the vibrations caused the bilva leaves from trees to fall on the shiva li”ngam directly beneath.  Lord shiva was immensely pleased with this act, and blessed the monkey to be born as a human in the next birth, in fact as the ruler  of cOLA dEsham. He was called King mucukunda, and was a great warrior, famous for his bravery. While he was ruling on earth,  Indra sought  his  help to destroy the demon vAlAsura, and the King  accomplished the task easily. In gratitude, Indra  was pleased to grant him any boon he chose.  At first, mucukunda  was not eager to accept any rewards, but later, he found the beautiful sOmAskanda idol that viSNu has created and once presented to Indra.  As a true devotee of shiva, he sought this gift. Indra did not want to part with the idol, so to avoid the situation, he created six identical idols and asked mucukunda to pick up any one among these seven. Mucukunda being a great devotee, was able to guess the genuine idol correctly, by a clue given to him in dream by Lord shiva.   Impressed with this, Indra offered him  all seven of them.  Mucukunda brought all these seven idols to cOLa region  and installed them in seven different locations.  Hence these are collectively called viTa”nka kSEtrams, and the original idol is the one believed to be in tiruvArUr.

mucukundAdinuta  - the mucukunda episode is given above, and needless to say, he was a devotee of shiva.This k.rti has many references to tAntrik form of worship.


The pa~ncadashAkSarI mantram has  15 syllables arranged in three segments -  vAgbhava kUtA (5 syllables), kAmarAjakUTa (6 syllables), and shakti kUta (4 syllables). The twin concept of shiva-shakti is kAmakalA


Again refers to the three segments of the pa~ncadashAkSarI mantram.  There are three main upAsanA mantrams.  The one beginning with “ka” (kAdi), “ha” (hadi(, and “sa” (sAdi).

The upAsakas for kAdi are manu, lOpAmudra, manmatha, and durvAsa

The upAsakAs of hAdi are kubEra, agastya, sUrya, viSNu, and shiva

The upAsakAs of sAdi are candra, nandikEshvara, and SaNmukha.

The rAga mudra of (nArI)rItigauLa is provided in a slightly altered form in the phrase “guruguha mArga rItikauLinIm”.

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