Word to word meaning:
kamalAmbikAyAM |
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kamalAmbikA, the auspicious one |
bhaktiM |
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devotion |
karomi |
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(I) do (offer my) |
shritakalpavATikAyAM |
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who grants all desires to those devotees who take refuge in her |
caNDikAyAM |
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caNDikA, the fierce one |
jagadambikAyAm |
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mother of the universe |
rAkAcandravadanAyAM |
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whose face is like the full moon |
rAjIvanayanAyAM |
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whose eyes are like the lotus bud |
pAkArinutacaraNAyAM |
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whose feet are worshiped by Indra |
AkAshAdikiraNAyAm |
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who radiates out the sky etc, i.e. the five elements |
hrIMkAravipinahariNyAM |
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who is the deer that roams in the forest of the hrIM sound |
hrIMkArasusharIriNyAM |
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whose body is the embodiment of hrIM |
hrIMkArataruma~njaryAM |
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who is the beautiful bunch of flowers of the tree of hrIM
sound |
hrIMkAreshvaryAM |
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who is the goddess of hrIM |
gauryAm |
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who is Gauri, the fair one |
sharIratrayavilakShaNasukhatarasvAtmAnubhoginyAM |
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who rejoices in the highest bliss of her own self,
which transcends the three bodies, gross, subtle and causal |
viri~nciharIshAnaharihayaveditarahasyayoginyAm |
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who is the secret yogini known (only to) Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, and hayagrIva |
parAdi vAgdevatArUpavashinyAdi vibhAginyAM |
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who is the Goddess of pure speech and its forms, differentiated as the shaktis
vashinI etc |
carAtmakasarvarogaharanirAmayarAjayoginyAm |
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who is the healing rAja yoga that removes all transient illnesses |
karadh.rtavINAvAdinyAM |
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who holds a vIna in her hand |
kamalAnagaravinodinyAM |
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who resides in Kamala nagara |
suranaramunijanamodinyAM |
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who charms the gods, men, and sages |
guruguhavaraprasAdinyAm |
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who grants Guruguha the boon of her grace |
This song is in saptamI
vibhakti (locative case). The basic sentence unit (anvaya) is ahaM kamalAMbikAyAM bhaktim karomi
(I offer my devotion to the Goddess Kamalambika)
and all adjectives with the “yAM” ending refer to kamalAmbikAyAM.
The cakra for this song,
sarvarogahara cakra, consists of eight triangles. The five elements are akAsha
(space), vayu (air), tejas (fire), ap (water) and prthvi (earth).
The forms of speech are four
in number, according to the Indian grammatical tradition. First comes pure
sound (parA vAk), which then manifests itself to the speaker (pashyantI).
It then goes through an intermediate stage (madhyamA) of
transformation, and is finally being expressed verbally (vaikharI).
The eight shaktis, vashinyAdi
mentioned here are: vashinI, kAmeshI, medinI, vimalA, aruNA, jayinI, sarveshI,
and kauLinI. These shaktis are collectively called rahasya yogini-s.
The rAga name Sahana
appears as a mudrA in a slightly altered form as “shAnA” in the term “harIshANa”. |