Word to word meaning:
kamalAmbikAyAH |
- |
(of) KamalAmbika |
tava |
- |
your |
bhaktaH |
- |
devotee |
ahaM |
- |
I (am) |
shaN^karyAH |
- |
(of the one who) bestows auspiciousness |
shrIkaryAH |
- |
(of the one who) bestows prosperity |
saN^gItarasikAyAH |
- |
(of the one) who is an enjoyer of divine music |
shrI |
- |
auspicious |
sumasharekShukodaNDapAshAN^kushapANyAH |
- |
(of the one) who holds in her hands the flower arrows,
sugar cane, the noose and the goad |
atimadhurataravANyAH |
- |
(of the one) whose speech is excessively sweet |
sharvANyAH |
- |
(of the) wife of sharva (Siva) |
kalyANyAH |
- |
(of) kalyANI the ever auspicious one |
ramaNIyapunnAgavarALivijitaveNyAH |
- |
whose braided hair conquers the lovely black
bees swarming around the punnAga tree |
- |
whose essential nature is the light of the ten-fold fire,
manifest in the sarvarakShAkara cakra, consisting of the inner ten
triangles |
tridashAdinuta kacavarga dvayamaya
dasha shakti sameta mAlinIcakreshvaryAH |
- |
the Goddess, who is worshipped by the thirty
deities in the cakra of mAlini, which has ten shaktis, sarvaj~nA etc, who
are the ten letters of the alphabet that belong to the “ka” and “ca”
groups |
tridashaviMshadvarNa-garbhiNIkuNDalinyAH |
- |
who is the Kundalini encompassing 50 letters of the
alphabet |
dashamudrAsamArAdhitakauLinyAH |
- |
who is the Goddess Kaulini propitiated by ten mudras |
dasharathAdinutaguruguhajanakashivabodhinyAH |
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(who is) worshipped by Dasharatha and others, and who
reveals the identity of Siva, the father of Guruguha |
dashakaraNav.rttimarIcinigarbhayoginyAH |
- |
who is hidden in the manifestations which are the
functions of the ten senses and the motor organs ( five karmendriyas, and
five j~nAnendriyas) |
This song is set in ShaShThI vibhakti, the possessive or genitive case.
The basic sentence unit (anvaya) is ahaM kamalAmbikAyAH bhaktaH (I am
the devotee of Goddess Kamalambika), and all adjectives ending in
“yAH” are qualifications of the noun KamalAMbikAyAH.
The cakra for this AvaraNa, sarvarakShAkara cakra, consists of the inner
set of ten
triangles (known as antardashAra). MAlinI cakra is a diagram where the
Sanskrit alphabet is arranged in a concentric pattern in these ten triangles.
The ten shaktis referred to here are: sarvaj~nA,
sarvashaktipradA, sarvaishvaryapradAyinI, sarvaj~nAnamayI,
sarvAdhArasvarUpA, sarvapApaharA, sarvAnandamayI, sarvarakShAsvarUpiNI, and
sarvepsitaphalapradA. These shaktis are called the nigarbha
The ten mudrA-s are: sarvasaMkShobhiNI, sarvavidrAviNI,
sarvAkarShiNI, sarvaveshAkarI, sarvAnmodinI, mahAN^kushA, khecarI, bIja, yoni
and trikhaNDa.
The rAgamudra “punnAgavarALI” is beautifully brought out using double meaning
(shleshaM). |