Word to word meaning:
shrI kamalAmbAyAH paraM |
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Greater than Goddess Kamalamba |
na hi |
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there is nothing else |
re re citta |
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Oh mind! |
kShityAdishivAntatatvasvarUpiNyAH |
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the one who is the quintessence all the
from the earth to the ultimate Lord Siva |
shrIkaNThaviShNuviri~ncAdijanayitryAH |
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who is the mother of Siva, Vishnu and Brahma |
shivAtmakavishvakartryAH |
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who is the creator of the universe which is Siva in
essence |
kArayitryAH |
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who is the agent of all actions |
shrIkarabahirdashAracakrasthityAH |
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who resides in the auspicious cakra of the outer ten
triangles |
sevitabhairavIbhArgavIbhAratyAH |
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who is served by Bhairavi, Bhargavi, and
Bharati (Parvati, Lakshmi and Sarasvati) |
nAdamayasUkShmarUpa sarvasiddhipradAdi dashashaktyArAdhita mUrteH |
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whose subtle form is that of sound (nAda) and who is propitiated by
the ten shaktis, sarvasiddhipradA, and so forth |
shrotrAdi dashakaraNAtmaka kuLakauLikAdi
bahuvidhopAsita kIrteH |
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who is famous for being worshiped in various modes such as
kuLa, kauLa, as the power identical with the ten sense and motor organs
abheda nitya shuddha buddha mukta-saccidAnandamaya paramAdvaita sphUrteH |
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who manifests the supreme eternal, pure, enlightened and free self, who is the supreme non-dual
Brahman, characterized by
existence, consciousness and bliss |
AdimadhyAntarahita aprameya
guruguhamodita sarvArtha sAdhakasphUrteH
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who is without beginning, middle, and end, who
is unknowable, who is entertained by Guruguha, who is the manifest of the
sarvArthasAdhaka cakra (achievement of all purposes) |
mUlAdinavAdhAra vyAv.rtta dashadhvani bhedaj~nayogib.rnda saMrakShaNyAH
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who protects the yoginis who reside in the nine centers of the astral body (mUlAdhAra
etc), and who are adept at piercing through them, by the knowledge of the
ten sounds |
anAdimAyAvidyA kAryakAraNa vinodakaraNapaTutara kaTAkShavIkShaNyAH |
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who with her mere glance is capable of dispelling the
beginning-less delusion and ignorance and the laws of cause and effect |
This song is in pa~ncamI vibhakti (ablative vase). The basic prose sentence
unit (anvaya) is kamalAmbiyAH paraM nahi re, re citta (Oh
mind, there is nothing greater than Goddess Kamalamba),
and all the words ending in “yAH” or "eH" qualify “kamalAmbAyAH”.
The rAga name Bhairavi is given directly.
The cakra for the fifth AvaraNa, called sarvasiddhiprada cakra, is
the outer set of ten
triangles, and is known as bahirdashAra cakra. The nava AdhAras in Kundalini yoga
are: mUlAdhAra, svAdhiShThana, maNipUra, anAhata, madhyamA,
vajrakaNTHa, lambikA, vishuddha, and Aj~nA.
The ten shaktis (dasha shakti) referred to here are:
sarvasampatpradA, sarvapriyaMkarI, sarvamaN^gaLakAriNI, sarvakAmapradA,
sarvaduHkhavimocanI, m.rtyuprashamanI, sarvavighnanivariNI, sarvasundarI, and
sarvasaubhagyadAyinI. These ten shaktis are known as
kulottIrNa yoginis.
The dashakaraNas are the the ten organs, consisting of the five sense organs (jnAnendriya-s)
and the five organs of action (karmendriya-s).