Word to word meaning:
kamalAmbikAyai |
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to KamalAmbika |
kanakAMshukAyai |
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who is clad in golden robe |
karpUravITikAyai |
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who chews betel leaves flavored with camphor |
namaste namaste |
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I offer my salutations to thee
again, and again |
kamalAkAntAnujAyai |
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who is the younger sister of
the husband of Lakshmi |
kAmeshvaryai |
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who is the goddess Kameshvari |
ajAyai |
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who is unborn |
himagiritanujAyai |
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who is the daughter of the
mountain |
hrIMkarapUjyAyai |
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who is worshiped by the mystic
sound “h.rIM” |
kamalAnagaravihAriNyai |
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who dwells in the city of the
lotus |
khalasamUhasaMhAriNyai |
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who destroys the dishonest people |
kamanIyaratnahAriNyai |
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who wears a garland of beautiful
jewels |
kalikalmaShaparihAriNyai |
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who dispels the sins caused by the poison
of Kali |
sakalasaubhAgyadAyakAmbhojacaraNAyai |
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who possesses lotus feet which
grant all auspiciousness |
saMkShobhiNyAdishaktiyutacaturthAvaraNAyai |
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who resides in the fourth
enclosure containing the shaktis such as “saMkShobhiNI’ and so forth |
prakaTacaturdashabhuvanabharaNAyai |
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who sustains the fourteen
manifest worlds |
prabalaguruguhasaMpradAyAntaHkaraNAyai |
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who is at the heart of the
well-known tradition to which Guruguha belongs |
akaLaN^karUpavarNAyai |
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who possesses flawless beauty
and complexion |
aparNAyai |
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who is (known as) aparNa |
suparNAyai |
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who is the beautiful bird |
sukaradh.rtacApabANAyai |
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whose lovely hands hold
the bow and arrow |
shobhanakaramanukoNAyai |
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who resides in the
effulgent cakra consisting of fourteen triangles |
sakuN^kumAdilepanAyai |
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who is besmeared with red kuMkuma (saffron powder) |
carAcarAdikalpanAyai |
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who is the cause of both
moving and unmoving objects |
cikuravijitanIlaghanAyai |
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whose black hair triumphs over
the dark clouds |
cidAnandapUrNaghanAyai |
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who is the full
essence of
consciousness and bliss |
This song is in
vibhakti (dative case). The basic sentence word order (anvaya) is
kamalAMbikAyai namaste (Salutations to Kamalambika), and the phrases ending in
“yai” all qualify “kamalAmbikAyai”.
cakra referred to is
sarvasaubhAgyadAyaka, that grants all auspiciousness. It is also called
manukoNa, after the fourteen Manu-s, and consists of fourteen triangles. There are fourteen shaktis (called
saMpradAya yoginis) involved
here: sarvasaMkShobiNI, sarvavidrAviNI, sarvAkarShiNI, sarvastambhinI,
sarvajh.rMbhiNI, sarvavashaMkarI, sarvAhLAdinI, sarvasammohinI, sarvara~njanI,
sarvAnmodinI, sarvArthasAdhakA, sarvasaMpattipUraNI, sarvAmantramayI and
The rAgamudra kAmbhoji
appears slightly altered as “kAmbhoja” in the line “dAyakAmbhokacaraNayai”. |