Word to word meaning: |
shrIkamalAmbikayA |
- |
by the auspicious Kamalambika |
kaTAkShithaH |
- |
graced, protected |
ahaM |
- |
I |
saccidAnanda |
- |
existence, consciousness, and
bliss |
paripUrNa |
- |
completeness |
brahmA |
- |
the supreme |
asmi |
- |
am |
pAkashAsanAdisakaladevatAsevitayA |
- |
by the one who is worshiped by Indra and
all Gods |
paN^kajAsanAdipa~ncak.rtyak.rd |
- |
by Lord Brahma, who originally
performs the five cosmic acts |
bhAvitayA |
- |
who is contemplated |
shokaharacaturapadayA |
- |
whose feet are adept in
removing grief |
mUkamukhyavAkpradayA |
- |
who restores speech to the
dumb |
kokanadavijayapadayA |
- |
whose feet conquer the beauty
of a red lotus |
guruguhatatraipadayA |
- |
who is the three worded
sentence, which is Guruguha himself |
anaN^gakusumAdyaShTashaktyAkArayA |
- |
who is embodied as anaN^gakusuma, and the rest of the shaktis |
aruNavarNasaMkShobhaNacakrAkArayA |
- |
who is enshrined in the
reddish saMkShobhaNa cakra |
anantakoTyaNDanAyakashaN^karanAyikayA |
- |
who is the beloved of Lord Siva, the master of millions of universes |
aShTavargAtmakaguptatarayA |
- |
who is more secret (than the
previous cakra), being the form of alphabet
grouped in eight sections |
varayA |
- |
who is superb |
anaN^gAdyupAsitayA |
- |
who is worshiped by Kamadeva and others |
aShTadaLAbjasthitayA |
- |
who resides in the eight
petaled lotus |
dhanurbANadharakarayA |
- |
who carries a bow and arrow in
her hands |
dayAsudhAsAgarayA |
- |
who is the ocean of the nectar
of compassion |
The song is in tritIyA
vibhakti, instrumental case. The basic sentence word order (anvaya) is
ahaM shrIkamalAMbikayA
katAkshitaH saccidAnandaparipUrNabrahmA asmi (I, protected by Shri Kamalambika,
am the Supreme Brahman, characterized by the fullness of existence,
consciousness and bliss). All the phrases ending in the syllable
yA qualify the noun kamalAmbikayA.
The third
sarvasaMkShobhaNa cakra, consists of a circular arrangement of eight-petals (aShTadaLA).
The eight sakti-s referred to
as anaN^gakusuma etc are: anaN^gakusuma, anaN^gamekhalA,
anaN^gamadanA, anaN^gamadanAturA, anaN^garekhA, anaN^gaveginI,
anaN^gAMshukA and anaN^gamAlinI. These sakti-s are described
as guptatara yogini-s. There is a partial rAgamudra
in the phrase shaN^karanAyikayA.