bhajare re mAnasa
kalpitamAyAkAryaM tyaja re
kamalAvANIsevitapArshvAM kambujayagrIvAM
kamalApurasadanAM m.rdugadanAM kamanIyaradanAM
sarvAshAparipUrakacakrasvAminIM paramashivakAminIM
dUrvAsArcitaguptayoginIM duHkhadhvaMsinIM haMsinIm
nirvANanijasukhapradAyinIM nityakalyANIM kAtyAyanIM
madhupavijayaveNIM sadguruguhajananIM nira~njanIm
garvitabhaNDAsurabha~njanIM kAmAkarShiNyAdira~njanIM
nirvisheShacaitanyarUpiNIM urvItattvAdisvarUpiNIM
Word to word meaning: |
kamalAMbAm |
- |
The Goddess kamalAmbA |
bhaja |
- |
worship |
re re mAnasa |
- |
Oh mind! |
kalpitamAyAkAryam |
- |
attachment to worldly desires
which are illusory |
tyaja re |
- |
please abandon |
kamalAvANI sevita pArshvAm |
- |
she who is flanked by Lakshmi
and Sarasvati on both sides |
kambujayagrIvAm |
- |
with neck that surpasses the
beauty of the conch shell |
natadevAM |
- |
bowed down by the Devas |
kamalApurasadanAm |
- |
who resides in the lotus city |
m.rdugadanAm |
- |
whose speech is tender |
kamanIyaradanAM |
- |
who has charming teeth |
kamalavadanAM |
- |
who has face that resembles
the lotus |
sarvAshAparipUrakacakraavAminIM |
- |
the Goddess of the cakra named sarvAshAparipUraka (fulfiller of all wishes) |
paramashivakAminIM |
- |
beloved of the Supreme Lord,
Siva |
durvAsArcitaguptayoginIM |
- |
the secret yoginI, worshiped by the sage Durvasa |
duHkhadhvaMsinIM |
- |
who destroys all sufferings |
haMsinIM |
- |
who rides the swan |
nirvANanijasukhapradAyinM |
- |
who grants salvation, which is
the bliss of one’s own self |
nityakalyANIM |
- |
who is ever auspicious |
kAtyAayanIM |
- |
the daughter of sage kAtyAyana |
sharvAnIM |
- |
who is sharvAni,
the consort of sharva (shiva) |
madhupavijayaveNIM |
- |
whose hair conquers the
blackness of honey bees |
sadguruguhajananIM |
- |
who is the mother of Lord Guruguha |
nira~njanIM |
- |
who is unblemished, unattached |
garvitabhaNDAsurabha~njanIM |
- |
who destroyed the demon BhaNDa who possessed vain glory |
kAmAkarShiNyAdira~njanIM |
- |
who delights the devatAs such as kAmAkarShiNi and others |
nirvisheShacaitanyarUpiNIM |
- |
who is the embodiment of
unqualified consciousness |
urvItattvAdisvarUpiNIM |
- |
who is manifest in the
principles of earth etc ( five elements) |
The song is set in accusative
case (dvitIyA vibhakti). The basic sentence unit (anvaya) is kamalAmbAM
bhaja re re mAnasa, kalpitamAyAkAryam tyaja re (Oh
mind, worship the Goddess Kamalamba and renounce worldly desires, which are
illusory), and the remaining phrases
qualify the dvitIya noun “kamalAmbAM”. All these adjectives end in
the “m” sound. The word “kamala” has been used several times with
several different meanings here.
The rAga mudra kalyANI
appears in the phrase “nityakalyANIM”.
The diagram for the second
AvaraNa, the sarvAshAparipUraka cakra, consists of a circular arrangement
of sixteen lotus petals (ShoDasha padma). The sixteen yoginis residing in this
cakra are known as gupta yogini-s, the hidden yoginis.
The sixteen presiding
deities in the second AvaraNa, all ending in the phrase “AkarShiNI”
(one who attracts like a magnet) are - kAmAkarShiNI, buddhyAkarShiNI,
ahaMkArAkarShiNI, cittAkarshiNI, dhairyAkarShiNI, sm.rtyAkarShiNI,
sharIrAkarShiNI, shabdAkarShiNI, sparshAkarShiNI, rUpAkarSHiNI, rasAkarSHiNI,
gandhAkarShiNI, nAmAKarShiNI, bIjAkarSHiNI, AtmAkarShiNI and am.rtAkarShiNI.
The Goddess Kamalamba is
conceived of as being served by Lakshmi and Sarasvati in this composition. It
may be noted that the phrase “sacAmara ramA vANI savyadakShiNa sevitA” appears in
LalitAsahasranAma. Dikshitar also begins the nASamani rAga k.rti with the words
“shrI ramA sarasvatI sevitAm shrI
lalitAmbAm bhAvaye”.