saMrakShatu mAM
kamalajAnandabodhasukhI kAntAtArapa~njarashukI
aNimAdisiddhIshvarI nityakAmeshvarI
kShitipuratrailokyamohanacakravartinI prakaTayoginI
suraripumahiShAsurAdimardinI nigamapurANAdisaMvedinI
tripureshI guruguhajananI
madhuripusahodarI talodarI
tripurasundarI maheshvarI
Word to word meaning: |
kamalAmbA |
- |
Goddess Kamalamba |
saMrakShatu |
- |
protect |
mAm |
- |
me |
h.rtkamalAnagaranivAsinI |
- |
who resides in the lotus city of the (human) heart |
sumanasArAdhita |
- |
worshiped by pure-minded devotees |
abjamukhi |
- |
lotus faced |
sundara |
- |
the beautiful one, Lord Sundaresvara, or Siva |
manaHpriyakarasakhi |
- |
delighting the mind of Siva and who is the friend |
kamalajAnanda |
- |
the bliss of Brahman |
bodha |
- |
(ultimate) knowledge |
sukhI |
- |
(one who) enjoys happiness |
kAntA tAra pa~carashukI |
- |
(one who is) the beautiful parrot residing in the cage of
the sound (of OM) |
tripurAdi cakreshvari |
- |
The Goddess who rules over the nine cakras beginning with tripura |
aNimAdi siddhIshvari |
- |
The Goddess who controls the accomplishments such as aNima etc |
nitya kAmeshvarI |
- |
who is the Nitya Kameshvari
etc (the fifteen devatAs of this cakra) |
kShitipura |
- |
the entire earth, conceived of as the capital city of the
Goddess, the name of the outermost enclosure |
trailokyamohanacakra |
- |
the name of the first cakra, enchanter of all three worlds |
vartinI |
- |
who is inherent in |
prakaTa yogini |
- |
the manifest yogini |
suraripu |
- |
enemy of Devas |
mahiShAsurAdi mardinI |
- |
slayer of the Demon Mahishasura, the buffalo faced one, and others |
nigama |
- |
sacred literature |
purAnAdi |
- |
epics etc |
saMvedini |
- |
(one who has) known (it) well |
tripureshI |
- |
Goddess of the three cities |
guruguhajananI |
- |
mother of Lord Guruguha, Subrahmanya |
tripurabha~njana ra~jani |
- |
who enchants Siva, the
destroyer of three cities |
madhuripusahodari |
- |
sister of Vishnu, the enemy of Madhu |
talodarI |
- |
with abdomen as slender as the
palm of the hand, slender-waisted |
tripurasundarI |
- |
Goddess Tripurasundari |
maheshvarI |
- |
the Great Goddess |
This k.rti contains the
description of the first trailokyamohana cakra, also called bhUpura (or
kshitipura). The cakra for this song
consists of three rectangular walls, with openings on the four sides (in some
versions of the diagrams, there is no opening, but sub-rectangles closing the
The song is set in the nominative
case. The basic sentence unit (anvaya) is: kamalAMbA mAm saMrakShatu
(May the Goddess Kamalamba protect me), and the various phrases
qualify the proper noun Kamalamba.
The eight Yogic
accomplishments (siddhis) referred to in this song are :
aNimA - power to become
infinitesimal in size
mahimA - power to grow very
laghimA - power to become
very light
garimA - power to become
inordinately heavy
iShitva - power to rule over
vashitva - power to subjugate
prApti - power to obtain
whatever is desired
prAkAmya - power to fulfil
all wishes
Nityas are the primary
devatas (goddesses) of the first cakra. They are sixteen in number, kAmeshvari being at the
center, and the other fifteen (bhagamAlini,
nityaklinnA, bheruNDA, vahnivAsinI, mahAvajreshvarI, shivadUtI,
tvaritA, kulasundarI, nityA, nIlapatAkA, vijayA, sarvamaN^gaLA,
jvAlAmAlinI, citrA and mahAnityA) around her. The shaktis residing in this
cakra are called prakaTa yoginis.
The phrase “Ananda” might
have been used as a partial rAga mudrA for the rAga Anandabhairavi.